These baby orangutans have lost their mothers, who would have taught them vital survival skills. This jungle school in Indonesia takes them in and prepares them for a life in the wild.
Tag - orangutan
A film for Jejak Pulang Foundation/BALITEK/BKSDA-KALTIM
Wie sich eine deutsche Affenforscherin für verwaiste Orang-Utan-Babys einsetzt Die Rodung des Regenwaldes auf der Insel Borneo hat weitreichende Folgen – vor allem für die dort lebenden Menschenaffen. Viele Muttertiere werden getötet. Zurück bleiben ihre hilflosen Babys. In der “Waldschule” von Signe Preuschoft werden die kleinen Orang-Utans aufgefangen und großgezogen. stern TV durfte einen exklusiven Einblick in das Projekt nehmen.
More than 130,000 Batak people that live adjacent to the Batang Toru Ecosystem have depended on the waters from these forests for many generations. Recently a massive new threat has surfaced, namely plans for a new hydro-electric dam scheme. Although sounding ‘green’ it would be the biggest disaster to the Batang Toru Ecosystem. This hydro dam has been planned in the richest area of the Batang Toru Ecosystem, in a beautiful primary forest gorge area that has the highest densities of the last remaining Tapanuli orangutans.
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The Harangan Tapanuli or Batang Toru Ecosystem is the last habitat for the newly described, critically endangered Tapanuli Orangutan, the rarest great ape in the world. The Tapanuli Orangutan with the scientific name ‘Pongo tapanuliensis’ population is estimate less than 800 individuals remain in the wild and only lives in the the rugged terrain of the Batang Toru Ecosystem in the three Tapanuli districts of North Sumatra.