Tag - hutan


The Harangan Tapanuli or Batang Toru Ecosystem is the last habitat for the newly described, critically endangered Tapanuli Orangutan, the rarest great ape in the world. The Tapanuli Orangutan with the scientific name ‘Pongo tapanuliensis’ population is estimate less than 800 individuals remain in the wild and only lives in the the rugged terrain of the Batang Toru Ecosystem in the three Tapanuli districts of North Sumatra.

Indigenous Peoples: The Guardian of Indonesian Forest (2011)

From Papua to Sumatra, representatives of indigenous peoples agree on the importance of forests. They have proven themselves to be the faithful guardians of Indonesian forests. From Papua to Sumatra, communities are facing similar troubles in the destruction of their forests: large-scale oil palm, plantation forest, and mining concessions. Can Indonesia’s indigenous communities protect more than 15 million hectares of currently pristine customary forests? To save lives, biodiversity, and global climate. This film urges everyone to think clearly, especially to the Indonesian government to place their complete trust in these communities to sustainably manage forests.

Film by Nanang Sujana/Gekko Studio (2011)
