Since 2004, the lands and resin forests of the Toba Batak community of Ompu Ronggur have been cleared and replaced by eucalyptus plantations of pulp...
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West Papua is home to Asia’s largest remaining rainforests, indigenous communities and unique species. But this exclusive 101 East investigation...
These baby orangutans have lost their mothers, who would have taught them vital survival skills. This jungle school in Indonesia takes them in and...
A film for Jejak Pulang Foundation/BALITEK/BKSDA-KALTIM
A short film to accompany the new Environmental Investigation Agency report Who Watches the Watchmen 2, a hard-hitting expose of major failures in...
Prof. BAMBANG HERO SAHARJO; Indonesia’s go-to expert witness against haze-causing plantation firms (2019)
Bambang Hero Saharjo is the Indonesian government’s chief expert witness against plantation companies accused of setting fires or allowing them...
The Helmeted Hornbill Is a Living Treasure—and That’s a Problem. Over the last decade, Helmeted Hornbills have experienced a dramatic increase in...
Baby-Affen in Gefahr: Wie Orang Utan-Waisen in der Waldschule Überleben lernen | stern TV (2019)
Wie sich eine deutsche Affenforscherin für verwaiste Orang-Utan-Babys einsetzt Die Rodung des Regenwaldes auf der Insel Borneo hat weitreichende...
Indigenous Auyu people in Boven Digoel, Papua, are living under the shadow of an environmental disaster. The Tanah Merah project is a plan to log...
Inside the Mission to Save the Rare Helmeted Hornbill From Poachers | National Geographic (2018)
The helmeted hornbill is one of 57 hornbill species in Africa and Asia. It’s found only in the lowland forests of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia...
More than 130,000 Batak people that live adjacent to the Batang Toru Ecosystem have depended on the waters from these forests for many generations...
The Harangan Tapanuli or Batang Toru Ecosystem is the last habitat for the newly described, critically endangered Tapanuli Orangutan, the rarest...